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The 20's

Today, I pulse my fingers across the keyboard with much anticipation. This article was one that I salivated with excitement to write. In fact so much so much so, that I had trouble sleeping last night. It's my twenty-fourth birthday today. My day is going to be filled with work, training, and a killer BBQ with all my favorite people tonight. That's going to be followed up with a hangover night in Hollywood with my best friends who apparently have some crazy night lined up. They still won't tell me what's happening, so if you see a kid running down Hollywood Blvd in a pink thong it wasn't me..... That would be a hell of a way to welcome in your twenty-fourth...

There's something very beautiful and reassuring when you can relate to others around you. Comfort in numbers is a normal human trait. Let's face it life can be wonderful, tough and down right intimidating at times. My twenties have been a little bit of everything. Almost as if I told the bartender, to just throw everything he has into one massive shot with no chaser. This life thing it's pretty funny and most of the time every situation is pure comedy. Between the ages of twenty to twenty-two, we grip onto high school behavior or at least some do. Bars, crazy nights, school, no sleep and no routine. Then you start to realize the years are flying by. Something starts to happen within and it's unique to each person. When I started this blog it was my full intention to give people useful information, comfort and some good laughs. That being said I am going to bang off ten things I've learned about my twenties thus far, because I think we all can relate here in some way.

1.) You start to realize your circle is shrinking. I understand that it's a weird feeling, but trust me when I say quality over quantity. My friends these days are what I call , "Your three in the morning people". Meaning who the hell would pick you up at 3am on a drop of a dime.

2.) Routines matter and if you don't have one I highly suggest you adopt one.

3.) Drink water, meditate, eat healthy, and take care of yourself. It's one body and one mind in this life.

4.) Don't be afraid to make some big mistakes, because it's the only way you will learn. On the other tip of the coin don't beat yourself up for making them.

5.) You will probably have your first big relationship and hey break ups aren't fun. However, learn from it. Relationships tend to teach us a lot of who we are and our own faults. That is if you have the balls to call yourself out, because its rather easy to blame the other person. Remember, honesty starts at home. Just be honest with yourself you'll only grow from it.

6.) Have a mentor or a few that you can truly learn from. Everyone is unique in this area and personally I have a few. My best friend and boss Travis, whom I admire with a tremendous amount of respect and look up to. He's influenced me in so many positive ways that I can't thank him enough. Gabe Kapler who truly practices what he preaches. His blog and Gabe himself really pushed me to just be confident in every aspect of my life. His blog is Check it out! My pops who has instilled balance, common sense and logic into me. My mom whom I admire for her relentless hard work ethic and a never quit attitude. This is my circle of who I reach out to when I need advice or wisdom. However, I really give myself credit in this department. I chose at a younger age to stop talking and start listening. Now, in this chapter of my life it's about stop talking and start doing!

7.) Dating in your 20's is like playing charades. Everyone is all over the place and in different places of their lives. It's an interesting time, so keep that in mind. Gents have some damn manners and treat the ladies you take out with full respect. I get it being a dick works, that is if you want to date a girl. If you want a women in your life open doors, learn how to have a conversation and no pun intended "have your shit together".

8.) Learn to really enjoy and relish the company of yourself. I love me and it took me a long time to be able to say that. If you don't love yourself or respect yourself that's exactly what you will attract.

9.) Be confident, humble, genuine, but not cocky.

10.) Value your parents and your family. Make a day each week to spend with them it least. Life moves fast you have to take in every moment we have here and with the special people we share it with.

Damn that felt good. Now I am gonna go crush some beers and humanely raised grass fed steak. I think I may sneak some grass fed butter on top.....Ah ya a nice Stella on the side to go down with that and homemade mashed potatoes.......Shit I'm pretty spoiled these days.

With Strength,


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