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Five Steps Towards Quality Sleep

Sleep is by far one of the most crucial components to vitality, testosterone production, disease prevention, fat burning, muscle building, restoration of cells and proper recovery from physical endeavors. Yet, its something we all over look with ease. Let's face it, there's nothing quite worse then being exhausted all day and laying down, to only find yourself wide awake thinking of a laundry list of random shit you need to accomplish the next day. I've been there, and it usually ends in a fist fight with my pillow. I tend to think I'm Mike Tyson or something at three in the morning. Below, is some helpful tips that are going to make sure you're drooling on your pillow tonight.

1.) Make A List-

Each night, I always make a list of what is either on my mind or goals for the next day. Get those feelings, concerns or excitement onto paper. Then sleep with ease and a decluttered brain.

2.) Take Magnesium-

Magnesium helps manage calcium, sodium and potassium. In fact, its responsible for more then 300 biochemical functions of the human body. Millions of Americans are suffering from Magnesium deficiency, and one major symptom is Insomnia. As well, another symptom is anxiety and the cause of that is cortisol secretion. In order to test this, start incorporating Magnesium rich foods. These come in the form of spinach, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, almonds, black beans, avocados, figs, swiss chard, bananas or yogurt if you tolerate dairy. However, sometimes food isn't quite enough, and below I will put a link to a kick ass Magnesium supplement. This is best used thirty minutes prior to bedtime, or in the morning if you're aware of the day being more stressful then usual. I would recommend starting with a 1/2 Tsp and working your way up to 1 Tsp. Be mindful, because a higher dosage can result in disaster pants. Trust me, you don't want those.

3.) Eat Starchy Carbohydrates Prior To Bed-

I know low carb is the rage right now. Yet, carbohydrates are so crucial for so many important functions in the human body. They're our primary brains fuel source and play an extremely crucial role in keeping your hormones balanced. Carbohydrates, also help your brain produce Serotonin, which is a hormone that promotes calm and happy moods. Serotonin is a precursor to another chemical in human body called Tryptophan. This bad boy is responsible for making you sleepy. Now relax, carbohydrates are wonderful and depending on your activity level or stressors you should be consuming them in each meal. Yet, everyone is different, so find what works for you. If I am under a tremendous amount of stress, regardless of training I'll actually uptake my carbohydrate intake to support my body the best I can. Consuming a large amount of starch prior to bed, will allow your body to slip into a relaxed state. In addition, I promise consuming them at night won't make you fat, so get that dogma out of your head. Great sources would be sweet potatoes, white jasmine rice, sprouted brown rice/quinoa, buckwheat or white potato. Bonus tip, try putting a tablespoon of raw local honey in your tea for a one two knockout punch.

4.) No Electronics An Hour Before Bed-

I know this one is going to hurt, because we are all guilty of watching our favorite tv show before bed. However, our screens crush our sleep quality and disarm your brain of truly winding down. If you feel the need to look at a screen, Mac's and other devices usually have a blue light blocker. Another wonderful thing is picking up a kick ass book. I've heard this from others and my personal experience, that a solid book not only relaxes my mind, but also put's me straight to sleep about fifteen minutes in.

5.) Get Sunshine/Supplement Vitamin D-3-

Vitamin D keeps our circadian rhythm or in simple terms, our sleep cycle in check. Exposing yourself to direct sunlight for 10-15 minutes daily, will not only contribute to a better nights sleep, but will also make you a happier human being and increase testosterone levels naturally. Al Sears whom is a registered MD makes a great point in how crucial Vitamin D is to ward off depression. Vitamin D3 can even fight off depression by helping the human brain make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood. In fact, vitamin D3 can boost serotonin by anywhere from double to 30 times. As I mentioned before, Serotonin is the precursor to Tryptophan, which enables drowsiness. Before supplementing Vitamin D-3, get your blood tested. If your range is between 60-80 ng/ml, thats fantastic. Other food sources of Vitamin D are Salmon, Sardines, Mushrooms, Egg Yolks, Cod Liver Oil and Halibut.

Cheers to better sleep, longevity, gains and all kinds of energy the next day.

-All Love


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